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The issues that stem from this disease have been linked to an excess of fluid within the ear canal. Our inner ear performs many functions, including helping us stay balanced, as well as allowing us to hear. The most integral part of the inner ear for hearing is the cochlea.
Clean your hands constantly with hand sanitizer and spray everything you touch with Lysol. We rarely went out when mom and Little Bit were having chemo. When we did, I carried Lysol in my purse and sprayed everything, especially in public restrooms.
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I apoligise for any spelling/grammar/typos etc as I'm completely knackered and my eyes are actually blurry with lack of sleep. Isn't it strange how certain images stay in your head and mean so much, a line may trigger emotions, for example: in one of the Caspar movies he says 'Can I keep you?' while dancing with the girl and that image, those words or even the song that palying the background are now triggers that make me start crying. It's the same in something I watched recently, a coat washes up to the shoreline of the lake and a man pulls it out and holds it close.
Results of the hearings are not announced but instead the tribunal issues a written decision to the parties a few days after the hearing. The rationale for the decision is included as well. Appeals can be made to the Employment Appeal Tribunal in case you disagree with the decision.